People are constantly at risk of contracting infections. Because numerous types of infections exist, we may struggle to identify their signs. Infections present themselves in different ways. While internal infections may cause noticeable discomfort and sometimes nausea, skin infections may only hurt topically. Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands, regularly clean bedsheets and avoid eating spoiled foods to limit potential exposure to bacteria. Viral infections, though, are just as concerning. The team at recommends that everyone learns common signs and symptoms of various types of infections in order to prevent serious complications such as sepsis.
Occasionally the only sign of infection, fevers may appear with infections. As your immune system combats foreign bacteria, your body temperature increases to help eliminate the bacteria. However, high fevers can indicate serious infections and are often paired with swollen lymph nodes, which carry white blood cells responsible for healing. Lymph nodes are located on the neck, groin, armpit and other locations throughout the body. If you have a fever that lasts longer than a few days, they should consult their physicians.
Redness or Swelling
Particularly around surgical wounds or scars, redness and swelling are signs of infection. Affected skin may also feel warm to the touch. The team at advises patients to monitor wounds and bug bites to ensure they do not develop infections. If discovered early and treated with antibiotic ointment, most skin infections will improve. However, untreated infections will worsen and spread to other areas of the body. To check if a wound is progressing, you may use a pen to circle the affected area of skin. If the wound expands beyond the circle over a period, then you are encouraged to seek medical attention.
Pain or Burning
Kidney or urinary tract infections (UTIs) cause pain and burning sensations with urination. In some cases, pressure in the lower stomach may accompany pain and burning. The pain may radiate through to a patient’s backs or sides, and the patient’s urine may look cloudy. The team at urges anyone to seek medical attention as soon as possible if these symptoms persist. Untreated UTIs can lead to kidney infections and require stronger antibiotics.
Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion can occur for many reasons, including a sinus infection. Bright green mucus is another common sign of a sinus infection. While some sinus infections may disappear on their own, it is important for anyone affected to be evaluated by physicians. However, physicians will often refrain from prescribing antibiotics to patients displaying symptoms for less than a week. The team at suggests that you use over-the-counter nasal decongestants to manage symptoms and visit their physicians if symptoms do not diminish.
One of the most common reasons for vomiting is gut infections. Gut infections usually cause diarrhea and abdominal pain as well. However, many of these infections are viral and cannot be treated with antibiotics. The team at encourages anyone affected to seek emergency medical attention if vomiting continues for an extended period or if they begin vomiting blood.